We want r/RocketLeague to be a friendly and welcoming community. Do not spam, harass, insult, or use hate-speech at any time towards other users, even if it is in a jokingly manner.
Low-quality or low-effort content may be removed at moderator’s discretion.
Recordings or pictures of your screen that have been taken on a phone will be removed. It is not allowed to upload someone else's content unless clearly and directly credited in the post. Scoreboard, rank and other screenshots of in-game achievements are not allowed. Screenshots/clips of item drops or items received through any means will be removed. Posts about in-game bans are only allowed if they serve a greater purpose. Trading, including asking for free items, requesting price checks, or running unapproved giveaways, is not allowed. Friend-finding is also prohibited.įor trading and friend-finding we recommend the official Rocket League Discord.